

姓名John Ellis
個人簡介Chief Strategist, Cyber Security, Asia Pacific & Japan Akamai Technologies, Inc.

John is an experienced thought leader with over twenty-two years of international experience in Information Security and Technology Risk Management.
Throughout his career, John has architected, deployed and operated a variety of cyber security and technology risk management projects, that span the entire solution lifecycle, providing him with an in-depth understanding of higher level management aspects and issues where cyber security, strategy, risk and business interact.

Prior responsibilities:
• Global eCommerce and security design authority, Standard Chartered Bank
• Head of Ecommerce and Web Services (Asia Pacific), Barclays Capital
• Lead Architect – IT Security, Telstra
John’s career commenced in the New Zealand Army, where he served his indentured apprenticeship as an Electronics, Instrument and Radar Technician.
John is currently studying for his Masters of Cyber Security, Strategy and Diplomacy through the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defenv=ce Force Academy (UNSW Canberra).
研究專長John is a recognized expert on cyber security, presenting original work at conferences, and actively participating in special interest and industry groups around the Asia-Pacific region to promote the profession and mentor junior professionals.
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